
We are probably bankrupt.

In 1971 Nixon took money off of the gold standard so we could print more money. The reason he did it was to pay for the Vietnam war.

Dollar lost purchasing power. The more they print, the more it gets dilluted. With Bitcoin you just can’t do that.

Businesses collapse, families collapse, it’s all because economy is in fact collapsing.

Inflation is good for us? That’s nonsense! Why should the devaluation of my hard earned money be good for me?

Money gets artificially less valuable and that is good? But it means that the system does not preserve your energy and time.

Inflation is taxation without legislation.

Average income in this country is now $5000 less than the average cost of living.

When they promise 2% inflation, it means they plan to steal 2% of your purchasing power.

We’re paying for our government to make irresponsible decisions. And it is immoral.

We can’t trust money to tell us how much value we create.

When Silver Dolar was created, it was worth a dollar. Today it is worth about 45 paper dollars.

FIAT currency can cover up theft in the name of policy making.

The system makes more people dependent on government, which is good for the government.



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