Celsius to Fahrenheit
dF = (dC . 1.8) + 32
Example when it is 20 degrees Celsius:
(20 . 1.8) + 32 = ?
36 + 32 = ?
68 = result
Fahrenheit to Celsius
dC = (dF – 32) / 1.8
Example when it is 68 degrees Fahrenheit:
(68 – 32) / 1.8 = ?
36 / 1.8 = ?
20 = result
Celsius to Kelvin
dC + 273.15 = K
Example when it is 25 degrees Celsius:
25 + 273.15 = ?
298.15 = result
Kelvin to Celsius
K − 273.15 = dC
Example when it is 200 Kelvin:
200 – 273.15 = ?
-73.15 = result
Fahrenheit to Kelvin
(dF − 32) . 0.555 + 273.15 = K
Example when it is 70 degrees Fahrenheit:
(70 – 32) . 0.555 + 273.15 = ?
38 . 0.555 + 273.15 = ?
21.111 + 273.15 = ?
294.26 = result
Kelvin to Fahrenheit
(K − 273.15) . 1.8 + 32 = dF
Example when it is 300 Kelvin:
(300 – 273.15) . 1.8 +32 = ?
26.85 . 1.8 + 32 = ?
48.33 + 32 = ?
80.33 = result
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