Category: Freedom
Ukraine and Peace
So a boring day with nothing too exciting, 3 GO games with 1 win and almost no work, which is left for tomorrow – and I got some decent ideas about how to solve the biggest error I have to solve first … before I move on – but now it’s time to sleep, and…
Bob Lazar Interview About Area 51
Bob Lazar, physicist who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, and also on reverse engineering technology at a site near the Area 51. Jeremy Corbell is a contemporary artist and documentary filmmaker.
Area 51 Mystery with Bob Lazar
About Area 51 Bob Lazar story and insights about the secrets of Area 51, UFOs, and the unexplained Element 115.
Who Controls Money?
Whoever does controls the freedom. David Icke reveals the rest …
Invasions by Russia, Russian Federation, Soviet Union, CCCP
This planet has not had many clean, decent and peaceful countries that have stayed away from bothering others. Russia (Soviet Union) from one side appears to be peaceful, not aggressive and staying away from trouble, however their data and numbers show something completely different. Not all info here may be accurate, but we have found…
End Nuclear Weapons
Sane normal people love our planet. They love to live, enjoy their life, work, relax and we could go much longer about that. Due to others we all also live in permanent danger. Nuclear weapons were invented some time ago – they are massively effective, they have permanent destructive power versus humans, animals, plants and…
World Leaders With Highest Death Toll
This will be updated as we learn more.
What to Avoid in USA
Tourist? American or foreign visitor? Welcome. Good country with really good people, but many not so nice places. A few notes are below: Las Vegasonly ok if you want to get drunk and lose a lot of money DisneyWorldexpensive place with nothing interesting or worthwhile, garbage that will steal your money San Franciscoused to be…
Slavery, Billions – Bureau 39 in North Korea
Reality of today and past many many years. Korean people are shipped around the world as slaves, they have to do what they are told, they cannot escape. They are in many countries from China to Poland to anywhere in Africa. They participate in this world’s economies, maybe even in yours. It is about surviving…
China is in Africa Now
Sure, politics run the show, they wish to rule the world now. But a lot of good stuff happens or gets built. We call them megaprojects. China more or less owns African continent. A lot is very negative, but a lot goodness will happen too. Locals will be less hungry, healthier, safer, Africa will…
Siberia: On Frozen Rails
World’s Toughest Train Rides are in Siberia. Russia. North and cold. Frozen rails. No service. No comfort. But it keeps their people together. History. Prisons. Exile. This is Russia …
Yeonmi Park
Girl who escaped from North Korea when she was 13. Hero. Interview with Joe Rogan.