Category: Personal, Hobby

  • Treti Kniha Dzungli

    Treti Kniha Dzungli

    Third Jungle Book. It is now 2024, it is still amazing music. It was released in 1982, in communist country of Czechoslovakia, it was unbelievably good then and today I only wonder how could this happen? I think only because these people were and are incredible. Whatever the system, they refused to do something substandard.…

  • Instacart Is Late?

    Instacart Is Late?

    I use Instacart because it helps me stay alive. And because I don’t have any other option – they have monopoly on food delivery service. Last few deliveries were late. Not by 5 minutes, but several hours. And because this is Instacart, they text me about it several times. Not just “sorry, we are running…

  • Extra Happy Day

    Extra Happy Day

    Years ago I went through a horrific accident. Not my fault, but it happened and I almost died. I was moved to hospital, then to another hospital and another. And doctors did miracles with me and somehow they managed to save my life. I spent a few years in hospitals, mostly in comma. Then when…

  • How Russia Connected West with East

    How Russia Connected West with East

    Is this Russia’s Smartest Idea in History? It was train route and it started to run in 1904. Yup, 120 years ago. And Píseň o jablku from Progres 2. For better mood.