Category: Vermont

  • Instacart Late Deliveries

    Instacart Late Deliveries

    Another late delivery from Instacart. In fact all of my orders with them for the past 3 weeks were late. It is never 5 minutes, it is always hours. I’ll try to collect some numbers. Date Ordered at Promise Delivery Real Delivery 10-22 2:20 pm 6 pm 8:50 pm 10-25 2 pm 4 – 7…

  • Why So Few Live In Vermont?

    Why So Few Live In Vermont?

    Very old state, progressive, beautiful, but only 600k people? When you ask around, people usually answer that it is too stupid place with too many stupid people, also too much violence and no money. Opinion is opinion, but who knows …

  • Basement Feels OK

    Basement Feels OK

    Interesting weather with some risky physics. It has been chilly and wet day outside, look at these numbers: 08:54 8.8 C 47.8 F 81% 10:39 9.1 C 48.4 F 82% 14:17 10.4 C 50.7 F 72% Cold and very wet, slowly drying. Still, even 72% is like a rainforrest. I worried about basement floor, if…

  • Book #2

    Book #2

    We have not yet properly introduced the first book to be published, it will soon happen. And we want to talk about #2? Well we don’t, but to be perfectly fair, we should. This is no longer secret, #2 is under development. We don’t know if it becomes popular or not, but it will be…

  • InstaCart? Be Careful

    InstaCart? Be Careful

    It’s true that if it was not for Instacart, life for people like me would be very difficult. And we would go hungry. People who live alone and who cannot move by car, and because we are in the United States where public transportation does not exist, it would be very ouch. InstaCart does not…

  • Extra Happy Day

    Extra Happy Day

    Years ago I went through a horrific accident. Not my fault, but it happened and I almost died. I was moved to hospital, then to another hospital and another. And doctors did miracles with me and somehow they managed to save my life. I spent a few years in hospitals, mostly in comma. Then when…