Category: Travel
Canada and USA and Tarrifs
And food, petroleum, cars, computers, phones … Foods Imported from Canada Canola oilThe U.S. imports billions of dollars worth of canola oil from Canada each year. Beef and porkThe U.S. imports billions of dollars worth of beef and pork from Canada each year. ChocolateThe U.S. imports billions of dollars worth of chocolate from Canada each…
Mele Kalikimaka
English: Merry Christmas Czech: Veselé Vánoce Slovak: Veselé Vianoce Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka Japanese: Merīkurisumasu Dutch: Vrolijk Kerstfeest French: Joyeux Noël German: Frohe Weihnachten Greek: Kalá Christoúgenna Hungary: Boldog karácsonyt Irish: Nollaig Shona Duit Italian: Buon Natale Korean: Meli Keuliseumaseu Mandarin: Shèngdàn jié kuàilè Norwegian: God jul Polish: Wesołych świąt Portuguese: Feliz Natal Russian: С Рождеством…
Celsius vs Fahrenheit
Nobody uses Fahrenheit degrees except the United States. Officially, but nobody knows why. And nobody understand these F degrees. Apparently water freezes at 32 and boils at … nobody knows where. It freezes at 0 Celsius and boils at 100 Celsius. Nice day temp is about 20 C so nice temp in America is 68…
Amtrak Northeast Map
This is United States and we have trains. Honestly, we do! If you are in the northeast, say in New York and need to move to Boston, no worries, it can be done. If you wish to shuffle up to Vermont, again, we got some rails for you. Or go west to check out waterfalls…
World’s Countries and the United States
For all of you but especially for travelers, geographers and semi-geeks here is the list of all world’s countries mixed together with all of the states of these United States. Sorted by area. Very interesting to review and to compare. Enjoy! State State or Country Sq Miles Sq Km 1 Russia CNT 6,601,668.17 17,098,242.00 2…
Ethan Allen Train
From Burlington, VT to New York at average 45 mph, in 7.5 hours. But free wifi! Daily service between New York City and Burlington, Vermont, by way of Albany. Gorgeous views, summer sails on Lake Champlain, fall foliage and winter skiing.
100 Countries With Highest Population
# Country Population(2024) 1 India 1,450,935,791 2 China 1,419,321,278 3 United States 345,426,571 4 Indonesia 283,487,931 5 Pakistan 251,269,164 6 Nigeria 232,679,478 7 Brazil 211,998,573 8 Bangladesh 173,562,364 9 Russia 144,820,423 10 Ethiopia 132,059,767 11 Mexico 130,861,007 12 Japan 123,753,041 13 Egypt 116,538,258 14 Philippines 115,843,670 15 DR Congo 109,276,265 16 Vietnam 100,987,686 17 Iran…
English Language Illogical (Stupid) Expressions
English is not the first language for everyone. But it has many interesting and illogical expressions. This is just a start, we will keep collecting 🙂
What to Avoid in USA
Tourist? American or foreign visitor? Welcome. Good country with really good people, but many not so nice places. A few notes are below: Las Vegasonly ok if you want to get drunk and lose a lot of money DisneyWorldexpensive place with nothing interesting or worthwhile, garbage that will steal your money San Franciscoused to be…
Oslo to Bergen – by Train
To many people especially Americans and those who know where Oslo and Bergen are, it is impossible trip to imagine. And to take it by train, it feels insane … mostly to Americans. We fly rackets, we claim we landed on the moon. We have 340 million people, we fly planes everywhere, having a…
Sydney to Cairns by Train
Australia is supposedly behind. It is not developed, not modern, no business or technology, no smart people, just a few wild animals and people surfing. While United States rules the world, it is the smartest county, maybe even democracy and way above everybody else. But in Australia people can take a nice train from…
China is in Africa Now
Sure, politics run the show, they wish to rule the world now. But a lot of good stuff happens or gets built. We call them megaprojects. China more or less owns African continent. A lot is very negative, but a lot goodness will happen too. Locals will be less hungry, healthier, safer, Africa will…