Tag: nk

  • Slavery, Billions – Bureau 39 in North Korea

    Slavery, Billions – Bureau 39 in North Korea

    Reality of today and past many many years. Korean people are shipped around the world as slaves, they have to do what they are told, they cannot escape. They are in many countries from China to Poland to anywhere in Africa. They participate in this world’s economies, maybe even in yours. It is about surviving…

  • Kimster Likes His Trainster

    Kimster Likes His Trainster

    Say you have a meeting in Hanoi with some guy from the USA. And of course, that guy is way behind times so he takes a plane. But you wanna be cool and up to date dude. That’s what Kimster is, no doubt. So of course, you take a train. https://youtu.be/W2pF9k1UATI?si=Na0bP75qn7PQPoAd

  • Yeonmi Park

    Yeonmi Park

    Girl who escaped from North Korea when she was 13. Hero. Interview with Joe Rogan. https://youtu.be/ZGJm4bjRaaE?si=pj0wuNAiAI8zaJIp