Good talk with Robert Kennedy jr. And he is correct. Can we change it and not have the most sickest kids in the world?
I am no politician, it is hard to believe a single word from most of them. Even when I was in super bad shape, I still could not listen to their garbage. But folks, I heard Bobby K. again to say this and with numbers we can understand. I looked it up online to check it was not a lie, it is true and scary. And when you dig deeper, it is all only about money.
We Now Have The Sickest Kids in the World
Good talk with Robert Kennedy jr. Sure, politician and smart, but he is correct and I wish he was not. People who got us to where we are are criminals. Can we change it and not have the most sickest kids in the world? Sickest kids also mean sick adults. But someone is making a boat load of cash on sick people …
I live in Vermont and I’m not saying it because I know Vermont would never vote for Kennedy, we are unofficially communists here. But only this one single detail and its arguments should either help him move forward or should convince other candidates to do something about it. These are not jokes, people get sick and they die, because of others making money.
We worry about military and weapons, and schools and cars and football, but compared to number of sick kids, it means nothing. Of course I would prefer to talk about hockey and have a beer with Clapton today and talk about how he wrote Layla. But it’s tough to have a beer with Slowhand when we have brutal number of sick kids around and it is our fault.
This affects everybody, whether we know it or not. I was almost on my last day a few months ago. Some brave people, doctors and nurses, saved my life. My kids and cops too. But then I was at very violent and bad place for a long time before I got home. Many very bad memories that will not screw up only the day, but entire life. And my best memory? I met one very brave girl there, who made it out even though she was brutally abused by owners. I hope to shake her hand one day. The best memory? It was flushing 1113 pills down the toilet. In secret. I was supposed to eat them so they make their money, I am no doctor, but I would not be here today if I did.
Enjoy this interview. And if by some accident you may need to visit that violent place in Jeffersonville, VT or meet its owners, please do yourself a favor and go somewhere else. Anywhere. I would even pick Russia over it …
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