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Interesting News & Updates, August 2023

Recent / August

2023, Aug 30

Having only two main parties in the country with 330 million people is not fair and is nonsense. Politics may be the most important thing in our lives, but we are allowed to have only 2 opinions? Or even less? We need more options, it would be good for us and the country. 5 or 6 parties seems mathematically more appropriate. 5 per 330 million is 1 party per 66 million, so maybe more.
party / politics / fair / nonsense / fraud

Putin is trying to rebuild Soviet Union. Huge ego plus he wants a historical legacy.
russia / putin / sovietunion / ego / legacy

2023, Aug 29

Idiots keep butter out of their fridge and bread inside. They enjoy flies!
butter / fridge / bread / baked

2023, Aug 27

Dobry veci se nemaj zapominat, neni jich tolik.
dedek / good / things / forgotten

2023, Aug 21

Today it's 55 years since Russians visited Czechoslovakia and stayed for some 23 years or so. No details, just Google it. Horrible event, hurt nationa and its people.
czech / russia / cccp / soviet / invasion

Bara Basikova is one of my favorite singers.
bara / basikova / singer / czech

2023, Aug 16

If you're not read a paper, you are not informed. If you do read a paper, you are misinformed. Truth.

What's your responsibility? Just tell the truth. You don't have to be first, just tell the truth.

"Sound Of Freedom" is about human trafficking. Human trafficking of people who cannot defend themselves, often children. Not one or two, but thousands and more. Not only pedophilia, but kidnappings, trafficking across borders. Forced to become "toys" for pedophiles. Hollywood fights to ban the movie and why? Hollywood is full of pedophiles, some of the most powerful people there. Who else? Politicians. Powerful business people.

2023, Aug 13

Very ill man here asked me whether it's ok to eat ketchup. Tough question if you like it - the answer is no, especially not American. Tomatoes, seasonings, no big problem. High in salt, high in sugar, very accidic, high fructose corn syrup ... stay away if you can. Or choose organic, unsweetened, no high fructose corn syrup, low in salt, gluten-free, non-GMO ... Or pick it up in Canada.
kennedy / kennedy24 / president / election / usa

This guy would be a great president. It may be very dangerous for him to run, but he sounds like a real hope for this nation.
kennedy / kennedy24 / president / election / usa

2023, Aug 12

If you don't like ABBA, you don't like music.
abba / music / sweden / pop / rock / jazz / melodic

2023, Aug 11

Samsung Teases 256 TB SSD - 3D QLC NAND at Its Best

ssd / samsung / 256TB / harddrive / storage

AMD Announces Ryzen 9 7945HX3D: Ryzen Mobile Gets 3D V-Cache
cpu / amd / ryzen / laptop / vcache

United Airlines Boeing 777 Almost Crashed Into The Pacific
united / maui / ogg / hawaii / crash

Lahaina - At least 55 people died on Maui. Residents had little warning before wildfires overtook a town
hawaii / lahaina / maui / fire / 55

2023, Aug 10

Why the US needs Russian uranium? We lie and are stupid ...
uranium / uran / u235 / nuclear / russia

Total Devastation Across Maui With Before-and-After Pictures. Sooner or later we need to start building home from bricks and concrete like the rest of the world.
hawaii / maui / fire / disaster

2023, Aug 9

Solar power sounds great and makes most of us very smart and important. But not until we don't get tax credits!
solar / power / efficient

And Tesla cars? What a joke. It needs 34 kWh per 100 miles of riding. 75 Watt lightbulb would be on for 453 hours for the same amount of energy (19 days).
tesla / noquality / proublem / lies

Military industry - how stupid do we have to be to create and make tools to kill others while have not enough to feed and live?
military / army / war / vicious

How much money do we waste to transport unneeded goods from long distances? We all make shoes, but we need them from Italy? Or China?
delivery / transport / transport / fuel

2023, Aug 8

Airbus A380 Neo soon ... but major problem!
plane / airbus / a380 / problem

USA China war more possible
usa / china / war / russia

Solar Power can solve drought
solar / power / electricity / drought

TESLA Name is not original or first
tesla / czech / electrical / electronic

Lithium May Be Gone
lithium / bettery / sodium / NaCl

New Poll - Trump CRUSHING Biden, Indictments Helping
trump / biden / poll / president

It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, I feel good, and no one is gonna stop me now.

Jan 25, 2025 - Day 25 of this year

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