AMBYTE Software

Software > Day Count

Day Count

Okay! / Chimp / BSafe / FairMail / ABC / AIMBook / Days Count
Minitris / Gomoku / AWord


Date count is the simple app which can count number of days between two dates.

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What Is It Good For?

It can quickly calculate how many days has it been since you or others were born. Wife, husband, kids! Or how many days ago did you visit Paris in France. Or which day of this year is today? Or when were you 10,000 days or 15,000 days young. And much much more.

How To Do It?

Type in the date you wish to "examine" in the FROM boxes and your second date to the TO box. Complete date is included from year, month and day numbers, so for example the first day of 1989 is 1989-01-01. And 8. March of the same year is 1989-03-08. Typing the hyphens is optional, you can simply use just the numbers, for example 19890308 or 1989 03 08. Spaces are allowed too, but not necessary. And the months with single number from January to September should be typed with 0, so that all months have 2 digits. And all days do too, so please avoid 3 and use 03. Correct date then is 19890308 and not 198938. With space or hyphen feel free to use 1 or 2 digits, the software is smart enough to decide.

All data you type in remain private, we do not collect them. We are also limited to dates starting in January 1, 1900 up to today or even slightly after the today. Give it a try, and if you like it, tell your friends. Any problems or questions please let us know at contact page.

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We are very excited about this project, it is small but smart. And we hope you'll enjoy it too.

Mar 09, 2025 - Day 68 of this year

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