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Help and Support to Chimp Text Editor

Intro / Chimp Can Do / Registration / Basic Features / Editing / Search / Advanced Features / Shortcuts / Comfort & Hints / Supporters



Edit functions are traditional, useful and very common helpers that some people don't even realize they use them. Copy is one solid example! Select text, entire or part of it, choose Copy or CTRL-C and it stores the selected text to the clipboard of your computer while keeping it where it is now.


How is Cut different from Copy? Not too much but it is important to know. Select text, entire or part of it, choose Cut or CTRL-X and it stores the selected text to the clipboard while removing it from where it was before. Huge difference! Copy edit function does the same except your original text remains after Copying where it was before.

File menu with Chimp

Edit menu is simple and it is the one used the most of all. You can copy and paste, but also search and replace!


Copy and Cut were explained, Paste is their friend, but works in the opposite direction. When you click on Paste, it looks at the clipboard and whatever text it finds it will place to the Chimp. Simple, immediate and very useful. Shortcut is CTRL-V.

Copy text to the clipboard and paste it back or somewhere else. It is also important to know that Edit functions work among different applications. If you copy the text from some newspaper in web browser and paste it to your Chimp, it happens without any trouble.

Select All

Some folks mention this function is useless and they claim they never use it. I would like to claim the opposite. It is not freshly invented tool, but very very useful. Select All or CTRL-A selects the text of your entire document and if cut or copied, it will keep it in your clipboard. If you are in another document that can handle text and select Paste function, the Select All text is placed where you are working.

And of course if you Select All, move to Chimp and click Paste, all the text you "selected all" becomes pasted. Select All is helpful, it removes the need to select all text in your document, it selects it all automatically. And with shortcuts, you do not need to move your mouse at Edit > Select All, you can simply press CTRL-A.

Intro / Chimp Can Do / Registration / Basic Features / Editing / Search / Advanced Features / Shortcuts / Comfort & Hints / Supporters