AMBYTE Software

Software > Chimp > Help

Help and Support to Chimp Text Editor

Intro / Chimp Can Do / Registration / Basic Features / Editing / Search / Advanced Features / Shortcuts / Comfort & Hints / Supporters


To make it work after the first free 3 weeks you need to purchase the very inexpensive license. After the purchase you will receive via email your unique unlocking code and it will update the Chimp to be used forever with no limits. In short the Chimp is not free, but at first we let you try it to find out that it's worth it.

To get your own Chimp license please visit our web site at . Purchasing requires your Chimp ID Code you can find on About Chimp window, your email address and very small payment.

Chimp About page

To get your Chimp registration you will need your name, email address and Chimp's ID Code. That can be found on Chimp's About form - click Help and About. The code here is the one that starts with CH.

We have been building software for many years. It is quite an effort, lot of work, months, weeks, days and hours and it cannot be done for free. But we always wanted to offer and deliver software with very good quality and honestly low price. And option to let you try it before you make the commitment and buy it. Chimp is one such example! It offers solid functionality, great help for you, very low price and free trial for the first 3 weeks.

When you register, you will shortly receive unique Chimp Unlocking Code. Open the Chimp, click Help and Registration Wizard, type your code in and your Chimp is forever yours.

Why Chimp Is Not Free?

It looks like a small tiny project, it just types and saves text, this should be free! We've heard it before and here is our take.

Yes, other similar software titles are installed on computers by manufacturers, sales shops, some comparable titles are offered for no direct cost. It is important to know that various software titles may cost users nothing directly, but we all pay for them. It's just built into the overall price of computers, price of other software, price of other associated products or services.

We simply don't do this, we like to focus only on our software, its quality and low natural price. If Chimp was built and delivered by very large and well known software company at their real price, we would be probably looking at $20 or $30. And also looking at many extra ads, subscribing to specific TV channels, buying some other software for close to $100 and getting a new fancy baseball cap. Plus having even more ads in papers and TV … all for the same product you are getting here from us.

So at other times software company or developer are compensated and we pay for it through the advertising or through the tools such as what they or their software may be promoting or is using. Or the software is not really a new software, but originally it might have been much more complex other title that's been simplified and limited down.

We have been writing software for many years. Quality is what we strive for and offering quality at fair and very low price has always been our target. It is nice to deliver quality software at fair and low price and know that that is how the business should be done. Our software is reliable, it works very well and it delivers the true value to folks who use it. Rather than coming up with complicated ways to offer the software and our work for “free”, we aim to offer it for the fair price and I our customers know it.

And we don't have to hide behind some fancy ice cream that supports this software :)

Intro / Chimp Can Do / Registration / Basic Features / Editing / Search / Advanced Features / Shortcuts / Comfort & Hints / Supporters