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Help and Support to Chimp Text Editor

Intro / Chimp Can Do / Registration / Basic Features / Editing / Search / Advanced Features / Shortcuts / Comfort & Hints / Soon to Come / Supporters



Under development, not published and printed for now.


This is not yet done, working on it, not sure when will this be completed.

Shortcut or timesaver! Chimp has a clever feature that can help you if you write often and repetitive topics. Certain sentences, words or paragraphs are repeated, Chimp can remember them and lets you repeat them by typing short brief abbreviation.

For example you often repeat writing your name and address into your docuements. Normally you type Jim Smith, 10 Great Street, Burlington VT 05401, USA. No problem. Until you realize you need to put together 20 articles with your name and address! With Chimp you can type it only once, select shortcut function, type in Jim Smith, 10 Great Street, Burlington VT 05401, USA and selected abbreviation AJS. While preparing your document, write in <AJS> and as soon as you finish second angle bracket, Chimp will replace it for your entire Jim Smith address. In less than a second.

If you often write texts with schedules and dates, why not include weekdays to shortcutss? Of course anyone can write Monday fast, but <M> might be better. And months too. <A> instead of April sounds easier.

If you don't like using angle brackets, you can replace them in shortcuts for something more practical. Parenthesis, curly or square - (){}[]. Just choose what you don't use too often.

Shortcuts sound complicated, but they are not and it helps. It makes you produce your document, messages, articles much faster. And with less mistakes. You can use it for addresses, but also for long and foreign words, repetitive expressions, names of classmates or teammates or even simple lines. You may write lot of messages and they always end with Thank you, Jim. Why not create shortcut <TX> which would result in Thank you, Jim. It may work for you … as long as you don't use Texas too much ;)

Final plus is the fact that once you create a new shortcut, it stays saved in your computer with Chimp. Perhaps you think I don't need shortcuts with dates, names, weekdays, expressions – this is just one and short week to type. But when you prep shortcuts and they get saved there, you can use them later, next month, next year, etc. Private messages, public articles. From our experience we found that it sounds useless, but until we tried it, we could not write without it.

Intro / Chimp Can Do / Registration / Basic Features / Editing / Search / Advanced Features / Shortcuts / Comfort & Hints / Soon to Come / Supporters